Press Releases for driver fatigue

  • 773

    Driver safety - Driving fatigue

    There are thousands of road accidents caused by driving fatigue each and every year in the UK. It’s believed that up to 20% of road accidents could be attributed to driver fatigue and up to 25% of all fatal accidents, which is a shocking statistic

    By : | 03-12-2013 | Education:Education | Total Views : 773

  • 904

    CPC Driver Training

    The deadline for the completion of CPC Driver Training is just over a year away, but it seems that many companies are leaving it until the very last minute

    By : | 03-12-2013 | Education:Education | Total Views : 904

  • 762

    Driver safety - Driver fatigue

    There are thousands of road accidents caused by driver fatigue each and every year in the UK. It’s believed that up to 20% of road accidents could be attributed to driver fatigue and up to 25% of all fatal accidents, which is a shocking statistic.

    By : | 03-04-2013 | Education:Education | Total Views : 762